There are 14 classes—12 "normal" classes and 2 "master" classes—and 12 aspects that help you determine your Clownspect. Your Lunar Sway has no say in this, but your Homestuck Classpects do.

To access the classes and aspects, please refer to the buttons above and they will transfer you to them accordingly.

Made by @Meowrail with help from @ndsdroid on Twitter

I'll try to keep this brief:

— First of all, I will be working on a quiz [not ATM] to help you sort out which aspect and class you may be, but until then, try to see which aspect suits you most based on the given descriptions.

— Secondly, none of this is official, that means maybe the descriptions of the aspects aren't necessarily the most accurate depictions of most people, but I'm trying my best over here.

— Lastly, if you can't tell, I tried to make this resemble The Extended Zodiac website. That's why some of the aspect qualities are very resemblant to Homestuck aspects. But how about you pay attention to the fact that I changed the signs in the background instead.

About Aspects

Your Aspect indicates that you are bound to one of twelve cosmic properties: Mirth, Cult, Charm, Trickery, Miracles, Artwork, Tragicomedy, Drama, Sopor, Peace, Blasphemy, or Piety. Each Aspect is paired with another, which are in opposition to each other, as seen in the wheel below.


Mirth-bound players are the most optimistic of all the aspects. They are concerned with the betterment of themselves and those around them, as well as the march towards positive progress to lead people to The Good Ending™. They are empathetic, caring, and put others before themselves. They always try—and mostly succeed—to find the good even in the worst cases. They put great efforts into achieving the great future that they have in their mind. They are, however, unable to realised whenever their actions are unsuitable for certain circumstances—they are, metaphorically speaking, the laugh at a funeral. At their best, they are great listeners, caretakers, and very encouraging. At their worst, they are passive aggressive and slightly manipulative.


Cult-bound players are fighters. They value action over acceptance, even if that may not be the wisest or safest choice. They are very goal-focused, but they draw their strength from bondages and trust that blooms among a group of people who all share a single vision. Even though they are leaders, they inhabit more of an commanding role than a inspirational one. Despite all that, their lives are often marked by struggle, not so much because fate has it in for them, but because they are fundamentally incapable of just accepting things as they come. They can be very "do as I say, not as I do" types. At their best, they are uplifting and magnetic. At their worst they can be sullen, unkind, and set-in-their-ways.


Peace-bound players are strivers—they are very driven. They do right for right's sake, and are quick to come to the aid of anyone they deem to be experiencing injustice. However, their views of the world are complex; what they see as the "right" thing may not always be the universally accepted view, yet they will still strive for it. However, despite being so keen on keeping harmony and justice, they aren't in disagreement with a little destruction, especially if they think they can replace it with something better and more justified. They put great value in the power of the imagination, the ability to dream up a better and more beautiful future. At their best, Peace-bound are positive, caring, and warm. At their worst they can be narrow-minded and selfish.


Sopor-bound players are, to cut it short, aloof. They would much rather talk to someone digitally than in person or do any activity that requires for them to leave their home. They are, however, quite playful and joyous with those that they deem close enough to initiate contact with. They keep a very strict “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy since they think it keeps them out of trouble. It takes a lot to gain a Sopor-bound’s trust/respect. Upon meeting someone, they respect them automatically and then each person has the opportunity to either lose their respect or gain more of it based on the person’s behaviour. Those who lose a Sopor-bound’s respect never get a second chance and are as good as doomed. At their best, they are trustworthy, cunning, and polite. At their worst, they are bitter, cruel, and dangerous.


Tragicomedy-bound players are wisecrackers. Unlike the Mirth-bound players, Tragicomedy-bounds will not help you look at the bright side, but they will joke about the present in hopes that it helps overcome misery; it does not work very often. They often make fun of their own misfortune the most; their misfortune just so happens to be much more severe and harmful than any other player’s, since they just so happen to be fates chosen sufferers. Due to everything they went through, they often give the best advice, but they constantly make it harder to understand what the advice is—they riddle the advice with metaphors. At their best they are kind, helpful, and non-judgemental. At their worst, bitter, resentful, and severely disapproving.


Drama-bound players are counterfeiters. Forging an identity is extremely important to the Drama-bound, and every decision and action goes toward building a coherent narrative of their own story. They are excellent at putting on and taking off masks as the situation calls for them, thus making them very good at solving problems all while staying undetected. However, they go far out of their way to show this skill, and will often forcibly introduce themselves to other people’s misery and misfortune strictly to showcase how well they can fix it. At their best, they are competent, imaginative, and steady. At their worst they can be overpowering, inflexible, and cold-blooded.


Charm-bound players are very concerned with their favourite subject: themselves. It wouldn't be a stretch to call them 'self-obsessed', but not always in a bad way. They have a certain aura that attracts people and tricks others into trusting them, and sharing secrets with them. However, with being told so many things, Charm-bounds have an inability to keep their mouth shut; they often would have occasions of “word vomit” where they spill everything on their mind [including others’ secrets and their own] in attempt to win someone over—winning people over and getting secrets out of them is important to Charm-bounds. At their best, they are steady, impartial, and creative. At their worst, they can be detached, apathetic, and vague.


Trickery-bound players are the universe's secret-keepers. They value mystery and the unexplained, and are not particularly bothered by not having all the answers. They have a habit of inflicting these “unsolved mysteries” upon other people—by tricking them into thinking it’s safe—strictly in means to see how those people can find their way out. They only decide to help when situations get fatal, but otherwise they spectate the damage. Although they’re the best at keeping secrets, no one truly trusts them in fear that they might pull off a ruse or scheme [Trickery-bound are known for such a thing]. At their best, they are wise, cunning, and vibrant. At their worst, they can be dismissive, indecisive, and apathetic.


Piety-bound players are, above all, expansive. They are fairly open-minded, but if those beliefs happen to contradict their own, they turn bitter and protective. They leave an impact wherever they go. They are able to sweep others up to carry along in their wake, but they can also be difficult to catch hold of or tie down. They have a tendency to assume everyone knows who and what they are talking about, and if someone does not, they get easily offended. They have strong beliefs, but not necessarily religious. They are persuasive, and try to get others to believe in what they believe in—they succeed very often. At their best, Piety-bound are motivated, adaptable, and forward thinking, but at their worst they can be volatile, avoidant, and gullible.


Blasphemy-bound players are bringers of chaos. Often, the Blasphemy-bound prefer anarchy to any of the alternate forms of civilisation, which they believe to be riddled with lies and foolishness and obedient masses. They are not afraid to speak out against what is commonly thought, and this act gets them in fatal trouble—trouble which they do not mind. They bring of confusion and doubt, and they can be frustratingly difficult to convince otherwise when they have attached themselves to an idea. They are relatively fearless, but they should be feared by others—they tend to be most volatile and unpredictable of the aspects.. At their best they are original, revolutionary, and bold. At their worst they are cruel, uncompromising, and vicious.


Miracle-bound players are driven to learn and understand. They can’t live with any unsolved mystery. The Miracle-bound will go after the truth behind mysteries with a fierce intensity that others may find distasteful. They aren't concerned with laws or norms, either, and they often take rules as simple suggestions. They have all the answers, but very little knowledge as to which answer belongs to which question. They believe that fate can help them just as well as they can help themselves. While they believe in fate, they also believe that all fate has to offer is in their favour. At their best, they are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive.


Artwork-bound players are concerned with the big picture. They are patient, masters of the art of 'wait-and-see', and are inclined to take things as they come. They tend to be innovators, concerned with creation and redemption. You’ll find them recycling the old to make the new, the fresh, and the beautiful. For the Artwork-bound, the journey is more important than the destination; how they do something is as, if not more, important as what they do. That said, when an Artwork-bound finally launches into action, they can execute a plan with unbelievable grace and precision. At their best they are great innovators, architects, and creators. At their worst they can be nasty, inflexible, and indecisive.

About Classes

The classes indicate the intended role of the player, and how they may use their aspect. As mentioned before, there are 12 normal classes—Juggalo, Mime, Sister, Brother, Infidel, Puppet, Jester, Pierrot, Disciple, Peot, Mask, and Knave—and 2 master classes—Messiah and Theocrat.

Each class has a class that either contrasts or complements it; classes are characterised into Active [offensive] and Passive [defensive].
Certain garbs are to be assigned to each class.

Garb Colour Reference

Messiah and Theocrat

→ Much like Lord and Muse, these two are master classes with significantly more power.

As mentioned in Hiveswap Friendsim Volume 16, Messiahs protect trolls and make them feel safe; therefore, those who are bound to the messiah class are excellent caretakers who are both selfless and commanding. However, they only ever speak the truth; thus, if the truth were to hurt someone, a messiah would simply not say a thing in order to keep that someone happy.

Messiah is a Passive class, that—depending on the aspect—either comforts or protects others by exploiting their aspect.

In theocracy, a priest would often speak falsehoods in order to keep their mighty portion; because of this, those bound to the theocrat class are often very concerned with their own self-image and would take any precautions, necessary or not, to keep their title high and mighty.

Theocrat is an Active class, that takes it's aspect from others, distorts it, and passes it off as their own.

Juggalo and Mime

Juggalos are rowdy, loud, and opinionated. They are never afraid to speak their mind about the things that they love and believe in; thus making them very passionate if they ever get attched to any sort of idea, story, belief, etc. Due to them being passionate, they severely hate lies being spread about what they love, and they will fight against those who speak those lies.

Juggalo is an Active class, that defends their aspect by debunking falsehoods

Mimes are quiet, refined, and alert. Any movement or sound whatsoever can alarm them; they are very close listeners, but they rarely talk back. They absorb information and formulate opinions, but they can never fully express themselves, so, instead, they remain silent and kept to themselves.

Mime is a Passive class, that conceals their aspect to protect it from others.

Brother and Sister

→ These two aspects are exactly the same, but have different gender roles.

The barer of this class is often very dependent and in need of guidance. Whether the class if active or passive depends on the aspect. They have free will, but they do not know what to do with it unless specifically ordered to do something with it.
They have free will to do whatever they want with their aspect but they struggle to oblige.

Aspects that make this class Active:
Tragicomedy, Blasphemy, Sopor, Cult, Miracles, and Trickery.
Aspects that make this class Passive:
Peace, Charm, Mirth, Piety, Drama, and Artwork

Infidel and Puppet

Much like the name suggests, an infidel generally does not believe in their aspect. Infidels are often very opinionated and close-minded. They have their own believes that they are never afraid to say aloud, even if it isn't the safest or wisest option.

Infidel is an Active class, that destroys their aspect

A puppet is always told what to do, and they gladly obey. However, unlike sisters and brothers, puppets do not generally have free will, but they do not seem to mind at all.

Puppet is a Passive class that is controlled BY their aspect.

Jester and Pierrot

Jesters are very giddy and make jokes even in the worst circumstances; they do not take anything seriously. They often always assume someone is joking, and they think that humour is appropriate in all situations.

Jester is an Active class, but they think aspects are a joke and don't take them seriously either.

Pierrots are generally dull and dim; because of this, they give up very easily. They try to take things seriously, but, more often than not, fail and give up. They often make fun of their failure to try to lighten their mood [which works very often].

Pierrot is a Passive class that uses their aspect to lift people's spirits up by either destroying the aspect or making light of it.

Mask and Knave

Knaves are very self absorbed; they would do anything for their own good. They don't necessarily care for or look after other people. They will, however, always pay back any sort of debt they owe no matter how much it costs. They are loyal, but only to themselves and those who helped them.

Knave is an Active class that deceives with their aspect.

Masks would often do anything for the sake of the greater good. Their actions seem irrational and brash, but they know that those actions will help their luck and push them towards a good that would make up for their actions.

Mask is a Passive class that deceives others to keep their aspect unknown.

Disciple and Poet

Disciples will inherit whatever they learn and make it their priority to teach those who come after them; they believe that they need a legacy to uphold, and so they pass on whatever they have to those they deem worthy.

Disciple is an Active class that teach about their aspect and pass it off to other people of the same class and aspect.


They are tricky to deal with. They are much like the disciples, but they have a different way of testing who is worthy: They make their knowledge riddled, and only those clever enough to crack those riddles gets to obtain this knowledge.

Poet is a Passive class that uses their aspect to inform.